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Dammed if you do. Dammed if you dont.
Politics aside NO government could have done any better with Corvid. Its a pandemic and a completely new Virus FOR EVERY ONE, yes in HINDSIGHT things could possibly have been done better. But to say that Labour would have done better is just a Dream with absolutely no facts to back it up. And to be honest It frightens me to think, that the likes of Diane Abbott with her two left feet, and racist views could have been at the centre of this crisis.
So do not wonder why the labour party were humiliated at the last election. As for how we come out of this Crisis that was not brought on by this Government but something beyond our control,only time will tell.
But just let me leave you with this thought. Perhaps if Labour and the rest of the opposition had taken more time to put forward Ideas to overcome this Virus. Rather than waste there time trying to gain Political Points then they may have gained a bit of respect, rather than derision from the majority of the public.

We’ll see how Sweden has faired in a couple of years shall we, a modern democracy (if you still believe the word means anything in europe, incl Britain) that didn’t place its innocent healthy citizens under house arrest and haven’t completely destroyed their economy.

As for Labour, during this crisis they’ve done exactly as the mainstream press, they’ve gone along with the govt and its media mouthpieces terrifying massive swathes of the poulation out of their wits, voting instantly to get themselves out harms way and agreeing with the shutting down of the economy…which is going to affect working class people by the millions.
I’m disgusted with most of them in the house, i wrote to my tory MP pleading with him to end house arrest and get the nation back to work whilst there was still something to be salvaged, he wrote back quoting the usual bullshine party line.

Labour didn’t come up with any ideas because they arn’t a worthy opposition, that job is now being done by a few worthy souls like Peter Hitchens and other genuine journalists who haven’t signed up to the new world order, Labout have just rubber stamped the tory ruination of the country, just like the tories rubber stamped Blair’s middle eastern wars, you remember them?, the ones just before he became middle east peace envoy, and no you couldn’t make any of this crap uo.
Tory and Labour, they deserve each other, and the electorate deserve everything coming their way for continuing to keep these dead parties alive.

Edit it tidy up my poor posting…
Sweden has total population of just over ten million. London alone has a population of over nine million…
Comparing these vastly differing countries and the differing effects lockdown would have is not really valid.