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The difference being is that the contributions to your private pension is that they are exactly that private and if you had been crap at your job you would not have reached levels above your station. Kinnock again being a classic example. If you work for several different departments your employer is still the same the government so how come you become eligible for different schemes? Take a look at how much of your council tax funds pensions another area of government always claiming to be short of money yet thinks nothing of paying staff more than the PM. Then the old excuse of civil servants being paid less than everyone else again not applicable now and in areas of high government employment this drives wages down in the private sector. There is no need for a person who is retired to have an income several multiples above the average wage to live on.
Again the Kinnocks joint retired income just shy of £1 million a year all tax payer funded and they are not the only ones if your happy with that then don’t complain about lack of funds to other departments that would benefit the more needy in society.

Are you suggesting that in Government incompetents are routinely promoted, but this never happens in private companies? Surely this happens in both forms of employment? Is there any evidence to show one is worse than t`other?

Kinnock again? Why do you call him incompetent? Disagreeing with his political views wouldn`t be relevant to this would it?

If someone is made quits a job in the Inland Revenue, should they be barred from employment in the NHS? Why wouldn`t they be eligible for a pension in both jobs?

Go on then: how much of my council tax goes to pensions?

So, youre saying that, the once low council wages, are no longer low? But they still drive down local private wages? Sorry, Im not understanding what you`re saying here.

And Im glad to see you are becoming a true socialist with your last comments: retirees dont need millions in income. Time for more equality between private and state employees. Everyone over 65 gets the same!
Right on comrade. :smiley:

Yes incompetents are promoted in private companies but again the key word is PRIVATE, if a board promotes an incompetent and he loses them money that is their problem.
Disagreeing with Kinnock’s politics does not make him incompetent but, he failed to get Labour elected against a person who some would have you believe was the unpopular PM of all time so if his target of becoming PM was his aim then he failed, to then be rewarded with a top job in Brussels and a peerage while not necessarily his fault more that of the systems is hardly a ringing endorsement of putting the best people in the top jobs, could also be said that he could teach the odd African dictator a thing or two about nepotism.
No one is saying that if you spend your whole life working as a civil servant that you shouldn’t get a pension, but the way that people play the system should be addressed, retiring early on ill health grounds then staging a miraculous recovery when another job is offered or being sacked for incompetence by one NHS board yet having no problem getting a place on a different NHS board.

Oddly enough my council won’t give a breakdown of how my rates are spent wonder why? so no I don’t know what proportion is spent on pensions but the head of the council earns £139,000 a year and we pay the highest rates in N.I. despite being the poorest region in N.I. so I’m sure he isn’t going to see any poverty in his retirement.
It should be on your latest council tax bill as to where the money goes, we still pay rates in N.I. so they do not break it down not sure why but it is a good way to cover up wastage.

Councils and Governments are alike Private companies in that all are populated by fallible human beings.

Anyone “miraculously recovering” needs a close investigation be they private or Gov employees of course.

That anyone sacked for incompetence shouldn`t be employed in another similar position is clearly wrong, be it a private or public employer.

Given that no-one, and no system is perfect why do you only assume that any lack of transparency must be to hide incompetency by a council?
Isn`t that a form of prejudice? Believing in something when you, yourself, claim no evidence to support that view?