Night out allowance and universal credit

Thanks for that, the night out money does go into my bank account but separately to my wage, but I take it this is fine as long as its expenses?
I have done the benefit calculator and like you say its seems we will do ok with universal credit for a while whilst the wife finds something else, she won’t rush in the current climate. We also get full rent paid apparently so I cant complain

Because you’re claiming the rent aspect as well, the taper-off kicks in sooner than it would if you didn’t claim for rent.

Thus, the eventual amount you get will be less - BUT you will still get an amount, despite the fact that you are still pulling in a wage, and your wife isn’t likely to be able to get a job for some weeks or months to come yet. If you have more than 2 kids, the starting figure is higher of course, so you might end up with even more than the example I detailed above, despite the sharper taper.

A joint claim - puts pressure on ONE of you to be back at work already - not both of you.
This clearly encourages families to stay together, rather than “split up” so one can claim seperately, as was the optimum manner in which to maximize benefits under the old system, where Women would avoid taking a job and avoid taking a new partner into her life - lest she get kicked off the benefits that she had since become acustomed to - the road to benefit dependency, if ever there was one.

To “Keep it all honest” - I would strongly suggest avoiding the temptation of taking on any “Cash-in-hand” work for either you or your wife.

As such, I applaud the changes that this current government has made to UC. It no longer seems to be the broken system it was under the previous two Conservative governments.