GUY Big J 8LXB Tractor Unit

EW car truck & bus:
Yikes Dennis, imagine how close we have come to concluding the 8LXB / Big j mystery if your black phone book contained a mobile no for Fallings Park contact!!! :unamused:

Maybe our closest near miss yet ? :astonished: :laughing:

Hope you are continuing with your good lady to remain safe in these difficult times, been quite nice on me last 5 weeks with sunshine and a rather large garden to enjoy it in, last 2 days total misery i must add :cry: due to rain!

Be safe& KEEP RACKING THE BRAIN ON THIS TOPIC…….you know it makes sense.


Hi E.W. Yes we are both keeping isolated the same as yourself so keep it up !!! We have like you plenty of surrounding garden and woodland to wander around without having the need to social distance. Only visitors we have is our Post Lady and our Son who delivers our weekly shop and anything else we require !
Ah! my misplaced belief that I had the of Guy Motors which I could have sworn to have but on “digging” the Book out it appears not ! But I will tell you what that indexed A4 sized, very well worn, hard backed book contains many many names and contact Nos. as well as names and addresses of the myriad firms and individuals contacts that we built up over the years. If it was still current it would provide a ready made blueprint for a “start up” haulage business. :slight_smile: There are hundreds of customer contacts plus every support and supplier contact you would ever need ! But sadly I reckon that a very large proportion of both the firms and the individuals are sadly no longer with us ! Happy long gone days ! Regards Dennis. :wink: