BRS 2021: what would nationalisation look like?

NO MORE TO SAID CHRISARBON SPOT ON…my case has rested, sometimes it needs just a spark of truth well put, not taken from Wikipedia to be believed and you have just said that this house retires from the debate…through the YES lobby…dbp

None of my post came from Wikipedia and I hope to god there are no 90 year olds still driving lorries. My info came from the trade press of the day and HANSARD which is a true record, hardly a spark!

BRS Failed, simple as, NFC failed.

When the RHA could command their high membership costs.

The whole tone of the Commission’s notice sought to convey the impression that when B.R.S. reduced their fleet to about a tenth of its present strength, that which would be offered in its place might not suit their present customers. For a short time there might be a few difficulties, but independents would quickly take up any slack.

“It is against the intentions of the Transport Act that B.R.S, should be making these strenuous efforts to retain every ton of traffic, obviously with the idea of turning themselves into a gigantic clearing house,”
Mr. Winterbottom declared.

"The Commission are at present engaged, along with the Disposal Board, in an endeavour to sell back something like 90 per cent. of their vehicles; and private concerns who purchase them expect, and intend, to obtain the traffic direct. "To me it appears that B.R.S. are attempting to persuade industrial concerns that because it may be easier to telephone one B.R.S. depot to place all their traffic, they should continue to do so. This would allow that depot to pick the best of the traffic for whatever vehicles they were allowed to retain and to sub-contract the balance.

“Surely no industrial concern, or its traffic manager, working under competitive conditions, would subscribe to such an arrangement when restrictions on the industry are to be lifted and independent operators will again be able to compete in all fields. Much depends on the users of road transport in the next two years and if B.R.S. do retain in the coming months much of that traffic which should have gone with the vehicles they are selling, this will make the sale of later units more difficult.”

The one shop stop didn’t work then, it doesn’t work now!

Turners of Soham