BRS 2021: what would nationalisation look like?

Now wether the hauliers, many who had built their fleets up from nothing and then had them taken away from them when BRS was formed, thought it a good thing or not I have no idea but I can imagine that some protested but for others on their ‘uppers’ and running a load of crap it may well have done them a favour? :confused: Long before my time though, and I’m guessing that it was before most lads on here’s time as well. Would a new ‘Nationlised’ fleet obtain their vehicles in a similar way?


Realistically the intention was an experiment in Communist style economics.The government wanted collective politburo control of the whole operation.

When Nationalisation should just mean 0% interest state funded finance and bail outs to cover the bad times or replacement and depreciation costs as and when required.In a protected marketplace road transport friendly environment which also stops race to the bottom competitive practices so minimum rates, with realistic corporate taxation then put on the profits to fund it.

So what did the government do let’s limit productivety with stupid vehicle dimensions and gross weight limits.With punitive road fuel taxation and allow race to the bottom competitive practices and leave it subject to the mercies of the zb bankers for its investment requirements.That’ll fix it.