BRS 2021: what would nationalisation look like?

Carryfast,yes I agree with your comments,however ihave never had the politicial basic grounding, or even taken any intrest in the deep thoughts of why this or that will happen if this or that happens,

when I look back to My BRS days,I did as I was told,not question anything and why would you want to older experanced men had helped set up the working conditions their politics were probly never questions (by who)and why would they ,do not forget the them and us class system was still in society I shipped out with men who had experanced the horror of war at sea ,and there view on bosses management would drip feed into our way of working practices and as they say (you never rocked the boat) exactly the same as on BRS this is the way it is …
look at John presscot miltant officer of the National union of sent to Oxford University to better himself,he was only one of thousands of union officers who had the same work ethic that was drip fed in to all most the majority of working men in the 1950s 1960s,1970,as i have said previously if you have never worked in a mass, nationalisd. industry whoever it is they will never get it as carryfast says follow the money,that’s something the workers did not have a lot of.

Docks,ship yards,railways ,coal mines, steel works,all nationalised works had the same type of work ethic,I soon came in to contact with that work ethic in1960 within the National union of seaman that was(ZB em)management ,it was the then way of life,take what you can have a easy life…how many drivers years ago died of streesed never heard of,overweight,idleness,lots of beer swilling,a driver’s right of passage.untill private haulage crept in ,profit,motoway systems were another killer of the
BRS depots.
to be honest I really do not give 2 monkeys what happens to transport I just ramble, I like thousands of others enjoyed BRS plus evenback then they had a pension scheme still paying out through DHL.