Geveke - holland (autocar, oshkosh, white)


I start this chapter-idea to prevent that all stuff will get mixed…

Who represented AUTOCAR before Geveke did is not really known, possibly
the (mother-company) White-importer "Albatros did, but till now no clue.

Autocar started in Holland early seventies…but in a market with quite
some participants in and for the heavy-haulage- as well as tipper-market
would make it not easy. Old school marques were present and some new
marques (formerly Praga by Praneda with also Tatra) did their best.

Well, Autocar had good cards in hand…as an assembly-company with the
best around the world to apply…think of Caterpillar, ■■■■■■■■ Detroit,
Eaton, Fuller, Rockwell, Hendrickson, Spicer and YOU name it.

Geveke, with Caterpillar as a strong marketing-instrument, had an extensive
network in the business of construction to proceed on with Autocar.

Chapterwise, I will include some Autocar-stuff.





