Roadworks - satnav routing?

if the diversion sign was as you say " wrongly placed" then surely the entire volume of motorway traffic wnded up going down the same road as yourself?
did you just make the normal everyday bollox of it ,get lost,and actually had to just look at a map and pick your way back to the motorway pre cabbage blindly follows satnav after passing test in an automatic days??

The one I was thinking of was one for “high load” which was skewed. The next night on the same route I twigged and was ok.

trouble is at night they put up “diversion” sign BUT don’t say which although sometimes one gets description e.g. A14(E) and a series of signs along the route which is fine. Other signs one gets the diversion sign with the circle, square, triangle and so one can follow - which last week I managed on the whole to follow.