Overtime mode tacho


I can not imagine anyone on here buying a gadget to allow longer drive time , eight hours is enough ,ifyou have bad accident they will find out .

I’ve never understood…

Why drivers (and it’s only drivers) want to work, for example, 19 hours for fifteen hours pay.

I can’t imagine anyone in an office environment staying on for three hours or so unpaid if they’re on an hourly rate.

Time and again, it’s a limit NOT a target! :unamused:

Let me get this clear I don’t and won’t work in excess of 15 hours…I’m ■■■■■■ off if my day hits 12 hours!

But a possible reason is that the driver is salaried and he knows that when he gets back he’ll have worked to long to clock in tomorrow and therefore get a day off paid. He should still stop for his nine hour break and finish his run off in the morning, and he’d still get his day off paid, so still no excuse!