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That’s what fooled me gingerfold.That front axle looked very AEC like to me.Unless the description of a Beaver which I posted is actually wrong. :confused:

Here’s the chassis, as pictured on the site you linked:

Is that an AEC axle? I would not put it past Aussie assemblers to decide to put an AEC axle on a Leyland, for whatever good reason.

Blimey wouldn’t it all be an amazing bit of ( accidental ) deduction starting with just a photograph if it turned out to be correct. :open_mouth: Over to gingerfold for his view.

The bumper bar obscures the view of the axle in this photo, but the position of the brake chambers ties in with an AEC axle, and the style of hub cap is similar to AEC Mk.111. The original photo does look like an AEC axle, with the curvature on the underside. The back axle is definitely Leyland however.

This is a photo of an AEC Mk.111 Mammoth Major Six (and Mandator) front axle…