Ad-hoc load rate (Super low)

Jimmy McNulty:

Hi all,

Been offered a refrigerated load by GIST from ■■■■■■■■■■■ to Grimsby (285miles) for £450 which equals to £1.57
First why such a low rate, second who accept this loads for Ad-hoc? What if no re loads at Grimsby and you travel empty to next place, then rates go under 1.40 or less…
This rate is similar to what traction only, ferry trailers, Barron wood offers (1.50-1.60) for dedicated work on all miles and weekly payment…

Mind the fridge maintenance, fuel, booking&waiting times… what’s left in your pocket then for 1.57…

Ad-hoc work I would expect 2.00-2.50 ppm on long run, and short distance about/over 3.00
Or better pull ferry trailers, without trailer cost, hassle for next load, unpaid invoices etc… :confused: :question:

So did you decide what unit you were getting? Did you go with the Iveco?

Still not decided, as I’m still waiting o licence result.