UK Domestic and WTD




this is from our transport manager / trainer who is 100% adamant they are correct and even did a chart on the flip board for me to understand , i did ask where i could find this online to look at , but did not get an answer :confused:

Tell him to have a look at Regulation 18 of the โ€œWorking Time Regulations 1998โ€ :wink:

Thanks , it a her too :smiley:

In that case youโ€™re not going to win the argument so you might as well give up now :laughing:

i was told its WTD Domestic to specially cater for it :confused:

Sorry Iโ€™m not sure what you mean but drivers who are working in-scope of the UK domestic regulations and occasional mobile workers come under the Working Time Regulations 1998, drivers who are in-scope of EU regulations (other than occasional mobile workers) come under the The Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations 2005.

We are on utility work and run on uk domestic within 100km we record hours on our digi cards and these are downloaded weekly , we are getting infringements for breaking WTD rules and cannot work 7 days a week any more as we have to have a 24hr rest period now :confused: i am getting mighty confused