Fridge Work sleeping issues

How would it be if they were set for -30 (frozen) or 0 (chilled) about an hour before your due to park up? It would take a long time to reach -15 (frozen) or +5 (chilled) and I’d imagine it would be perfectly safe to eat for quite some time afterwards?? Anyone on here qualified to comments on here?? Maybe no a good idea delivering to iceland as they (allegedly) don’t immediately put it in their freezers?

Most every load will need some form of temp recording for foodstuffs. If you go outside what the customer specifies, the load could be refused. The fridge will have temp recorder(s). Plus recorders can be put on various places in the load.
Chilling some fresh produce too far could give it frost damage.
Or in the case of tomatoes permanently affect the flavour. Once they drop below about 4deg some flavouring is lost, and doesn’t return when temp rises. Keep them in fridge too cool and they’ll keep longer, but be tasteless.

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