ADR vs HIAB vs Class 1

Forgive me if am wrong, but you appear to be interested / talking only about wages, the most you can earn in a shorter time after passing your / their test ( facebook friend ).

For me and a lot of other people it’s about a lot more than that.

Definitely for me it’s about having to do less drops, less manual work while enjoying your day at work.

I can tell you that it’s no fun been given the keys to your class 2 lorry and been expected to do 34 drops per day in 3 different regions, the word stress doesn’t even come close.

Now lest compare that to been given the keys to your C+E lorry and been sent on your trunk run with 1 drop then straight back to the depot and finish, i know whitch one I’d choose.

I currently only have class 2 by the way but am DESPERATE to get my C+E as soon as humanly possible.

Good luck with what ever you end up doing.