Lorry driver charged with manslaughter of 39 [Merged]


Own Account Driver:

so who is vietnam at war with today?
including some of the ones getting handouts sucking the economy dry,then everyone else is working on the black.
nobody forces them to come here,they are not in any way vulnerable and they are not refugees entering the uk.
they are nothing more than migrating parasites looking for easy money on the uk welfare system which is stupid enough to pay them .

Very unlikely to be wanting to pop up on the welfare radar unless they’re from an EU member state. Non-Eu-ers with a strong asylum case from somewhere genuinely war torn like Syria or Somalia probably but I doubt any of these would want some local govt busybody round checking on working or living conditions.

so why would anyone have any sympathy for criminals illegally aiding and abetting other criminals to illegally enter the uk?
as soon as they show up on the radar here,then they apply for asylum to see if they can scrounge payments.
if they are in any doubt that they might be getting them,then its out the door and into working and hiding with their like around the ghettos of urban england.

Does the black economy support them all is there still such a thing that’s big enough to support them, feeding your family washing dishes in the back of a takeaway
A parasite is a person who takes and strips the bone dry
If you look closer to home and what the taxs are being spent on keeping the upperclass in there cushy jobs making sure they all have a big pension
At the moment the uk gets big money from the European union to pay the parasites when it leaves then you will have a reason to call them parasites because taxs will increase to pay for it