Is there any point?


I will vote but no probably no point. Nothing will really change with any party or combination of parties who get in. The ones that are likely to have power are too scarred to do anything drastic because anything drastic with be unpopular with 50% of people therefore losing them votes. The parties who would actually make real change never get many votes so don’t have a chance. I live in a Tory area always has been and always will be. If I don’t want Tory’s best I can do is a tactical vote because the party I would actually like to see in power have no chance in my area. So therefore when I vote I’m still not even voting the party I want. So what’s the bloody point really.

So surely the noble way to go is to abstain from voting in the absence of any of big corpas usual panto dames rolled out periodically for the terminally deluded. :open_mouth:

Not really though. All that achieves, is that you effectively vote for the biggest party/candidate. Even spoing your ballot paper, is effectively helping the biggest candidate win, even if they only have a small majority on a 30% turnout. And to be honest, non of the shower of ■■■■ care if we spoil our ballot papers to show our contempt. Unless we forcefully remove them, they know that we can do sweet f.a.

The system is truly broken.