"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Fergie47, I bought two 250t 8 wheel heavy tractor units in the last 3 months, one brand new at just over 400k Euros, a 12 month old slightly used one at 130k Euros!

I’m glad I don’t do that too often!,


Thank you Ed…So Wow then,… plus those multi wheeled trailers, maybe 28 axles, plus beams, all those tyres, and fuel, and well paid drivers (hopefully) and you could be looking at a half a million pounds worth of gear before the load goes on…far cry from my F89 and a tri-axle semi low , about 10k tops… :wink:
I’ve a photo somewhere of SCALE’s outfit, 26 or 28 axles, double beams, with one pulling and two pushing…a lot of money ■■■■■■■ in that outfit, I’ll see if I can find it…