Reflecting on my first week as a HGV driver


Hi guys

I have been documenting my progress of becoming a HGV driver step-by-step since April this year. I have been filming videos and uploading them on YouTube with a hope of helping and encouraging wannabe drivers.

Last week was my first week as a HGV driver since passing at the beginning of August. If you’d like to have a look at what my thoughts were at the end of my first week, I have attached the link.

This is coming from an ex-teacher and someone who is completely new and had no idea what-so-ever!


Hi Hayley,
Found this really useful to watch. Thanks for posting! First of your videos I’ve watched.
I’ve finished working my 3 months notice with my previous job & planning on doing a mix of agency work with my previous job & driving agency work.
Got my amended driving licence 2 weeks after passing Cat C in Aug & got my CPC Card through last week (after a DVLA delay). Realised at the beginning of this week I was a bit nervous to take the next step into paid driving! Definitely would prefer to look for shifts that have a driver trainer for the 1st couple of days at least & also going to take a look at your curtain side video!
I feel I’m in the same position as you as I’ve never done any paid driving before so it’s good to know someone else has got through the 1st week & come out the other side!!

Hi JenS, any good company should put you with a buddy when you start out. There’s so much that we aren’t taught during the training process so it was a god send having someone with me while I got to grips with it all. I was dirty, bruised and achey but I survived my first week smiling… and you can too. Honestly, you’ll take to it like a duck to water and wonder what you ever worried about. Hope it goes well for you. Thanks for your support with the videos :slight_smile: