Eu referendum whats your vote

Following an earlier question of mine:
Sept 18th.
Parliament is trying to stop a Hard Brexit, not any/all Brexits.

Any so called ‘Brexit’ which keeps us tied to EU rule in any way shape or form isn’t Brexit at all.It’s obvious that the Federalists only intended a one sided referendum which was effectively a self affirmation exercise to tie us to Lisbon nothing more nothing less.Having somehow lost that it’s obvious that they’ve now predictably hijacked the article 50 process,itself just a defence in depth against secession,with the intention of keeping us part of the EU ‘in whatever way shape or form’ call it what you will but it ain’t Brexit.Brexit means Brexit and Leave means Leave not a bit of Brexit and lots of Remain,let alone the real intention of these Federalist traitor scum revoke and Remain sooner or later.

It’s now time for the forces to act.In fact it was time for that in 1972 when FC0 30/1048 was hidden away from the public and possibly even HM.With the obvious intention of deliberately misleading the Queen,to provide assent to an illegal act of parliament,which handed over the country’s government to a foreign power and mandate.

On that basis this argument has gone way past being up for discussion with these EU loyalist traitors arguably since 1972.