Eu referendum whats your vote


The USA system where the judges are chosen BY politicians to judge upon the actions and decisions OF politicians?
I don’t differentiate between different administrations there, but find it all confusing.
And how many amendments have been chiseled into the stone of the US constitution, how much polyfilla rubbed in?
As I type this, I imagine someone here on TNUK will offer a definitive answer.
(Written in play-doh?)[/quote]
The point I was making was that the UK doesn’t have a written constitution. I wasn’t commenting on how politicised the US legal system is.

How robust is the USA’s legal system? . . . well it’s up to them. Nothing to do with us.

They, and most other countries (all other countries? I’m not sure) have a written constitution. It gets amended, it gets tested, it’s perhaps found wanting, and if so, it gets amended again, and so on and so forth.

We don’t have that. But then again, given that the UK is made up of countries with different legal systems, that’s hardly surprising.