Trailer plate

Luckily I’ve only been doing class 2 work up to now ( for the last 2 years ) so nothing like that has ever happened to me but when whenever i start thinking about doing class 1 i can get myself worried about all the checks that need doing, plate, sueies, 5th wheel, dog clip, legs ect.

Apparently there is an easy way to remember it which ironically I’ve forgotten he he he, it goes something like:-


Air lines.
Number plate.
And something else.

It’s not that difficult I wouldn’t worry to much abt it, it’s when your routine gets broken up that you can make a silly mistake so I’d say if that happens start your system all over again.

Leaving a plate on ain’t the end of the world especially if you go back solo, they should have spares in the unit but they keep them back at the yard where I work for some reason.

I’d go for your class 1 if you can because Ive found the work a lot easier than class 2 especially physically the only thing I found tough was the reversing but I’m alot better now than 8 weeks ago so eventually that won’t be a problem.