"Heavy Haulage through the years"


Your Peterbuilt and my old KW are out of the same era and in hindsight which really means what I should have done was keep the KW I had already owned it for 12 years got rid of 3 trailers and 2 dollys purchased a new drop deck with ramps and a beefed up main frame and got into a similar industry your doing now ,the old W model would have still been percolating.

Dream on Dig, you’re too old. :laughing: Come to think of it though, you’re younger than me, so maybe not. :neutral_face: So as you once said you could have done with knowing me when we were both, almost, living in Oz, just let me know when you go for it and, if you need an offsider, I’ll be there. :laughing:

As long as you can sort out out my visa, multiple licence etc of course. :smiley: 2 old codgers kicking up a right old dust cloud. :laughing:

But NMM, can you run everywhere in the States with that engine, even California for instance? But perhaps you don’t want to go there anyway. :slight_smile:

Not a problem Spardo I can get you on an indonesion fishing boat get you a refugee visa which means you can go straight on the dole on arrival and as terms of employment with me include “Bring you own wages” you pay me the dole and off we go and rest assured I still know where theres some bull dust highways so I will have you coughing your lungs out on a daily basis. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
As a thought bring Patrick with you we can give him an education he won’t get swanning around in his MB mansion on wheels teach him how to cook and eat off a shovel he will think christmas has come early. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

We will follow the bloke kicking up the dust in front if it turns out were lost we can blame him.