Hgv Sat Nav

When I last spent my hard earned on a TomTom I was shocked at how little spare internal memory capacity there was for future updates, I assumed “they must know what they’re doing”, and yes they did, they stopped updates a couple of years later because there was “no longer enough space” and encouraged me to spend hundreds on a new model… they knew alright!!! The manufacturing cost difference of putting in say 128Gb instead of 64Gb was peanuts, memory was dirt cheap, but the SatNav wasn’t cheap by any stretch! £££

Not to mention the update process has been ■■■■, the amount of times I’ve had error upon error and either had to keep trying (around the 10th go it might work) or had to Google workarounds to finally get an update to go through…

Have they fixed their ways? Because I did vow never to buy a TomTom again tbh.