Expected salary for new passer?

Thanks for the insight, for sure 60 hours in an office is enough to kill a man but 60 hours on the road I think would be doable.

Congrats on the job, always reassuring seeing people being employed with literally no experience, gives me hope for when it’s my turn :smiley:

Thanks, it’s certainly possible, just need to find the right company who will give you a chance.

It seems long hours, I mean I’m not fully used to these long days yet (my old job was about 43 hours a week mostly manual work) but in a typical day I might do 6 hours of driving, 3 hours on break/waiting to get loaded and another 3 hours actually getting loaded and tipping (I get the trailer ready and then just sit there until it’s finished pretty much)… of course different driving jobs might work differently… I also get paid for all the breaks unlike my previous job which was 1hr unpaid each day…

I think typically truck driving is long hours as you might get stuck in traffic, waiting ages to load or unload, etc.