"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Busy as usual then Spardo? Waiting at the bar to be served I mean… :blush: :wink:

About that black Coventry Volvo, they run to Toulouse every week or so I reckon, coming from Derby.

As for the Altead convoi, rumour has it that they’re going to be taken over by Capelle? One of the topdogs at the board pulled out his money, so the financial situation at Altead isn’t all that great apparently?

As for for that knobhead driving that grey Peugeot, every once in a while you bump into that sort of people, most of them know what the craic is though and make sure they’re out of the way.

All I wanted was a kir and to pay for my meal, the ticket machine was getting too hot to handle, but I must learn to be more pushy. :laughing:

Yes, the RR wagons from Derby, I met and ate with a driver from there once south of Alencon and expressed my appreciation (as nobody else had realised what he was doing) for his double circuit of a roundabout near Le Mans to allow the tailback to pass him. He worked out of Derby but lived in Glasgow.

I am trying to remember how Alte’Ad came about, they merged with someone else a few years ago. If they do merge with Capelle I hope they keep their colour scheme, Capelle’s always seems a bit drab to me. :neutral_face: Never mind the engine or the box, get the colour right. :unamused: :laughing: