Poor Harry and other boat owners

Harry Monk:

Old John:
As I said, Harry, I know very little about narrow boats.
I suppose I thought you could simply burn domestic kerosene to provide heat( although i thought you told us you burned coal in a stove. ) I also imagined that when you were on a long term berth that there woukd be an electrical connection available.
So, not having a go, just talking out of my fundament perhaps.
Old habits die hard!!!

I have a multifuel stove which provides heat in the Winter, but I need to run the engine to provide hot water for dishwashing, showers etc and also to keep the batteries charged, it’s a bit like a truck I suppose, where you can watch TV and keep the interior lights on for so long but eventually you need to start the engine to recharge the batteries.

If you are moored in a marina there is inevitably an electrical hook-up but if you are either out cruising or on a farmer’s field mooring you are off-grid and reliant on your engine for all of your energy supplies. I generally run my engine (a BMC 1.5 diesel) for a couple of hours a day and it uses just under a litre an hour.

I didn’t take your comment as a dig btw so don’t be afraid to ask if there’s anything else I can explain, all boaters love talking about their boats and boating in general. :wink:

Hello Old John, my boat is unusually all diesel, no gas bottles and no wood/coal burner, so everything relies on diesel.