WTD & Rules & Regulations

Basics EU:
13hrs max working time increased to 15hrs 3x a week (11 hours rest which can be reduced to 9hrs 3x a week)
9hrs driving a day increased to 10hrs twice a week
56 hrs max driving in one week
90hrs max driving in a fortnight
45hrs weekly rest which can be reduced to 24hrs every other week
After 4.5hrs driving a 45 min break is needed (can be split 15min then 30min)

Gb domestic is a little simpler (pcv… sorry i assumed hgv was the same)
16hrs max working time a day
10hrs daily driving max
11hrs daily rest which can be reduced to 8.5hrs 3x week
24hrs rest required after the 13th shift
5.5hrs driving then you need a 30min break

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