Quit my "job" over this

dave docwra:


It wasn’t a truck, it was a van, stopped in lane 2 after a bend on a 40mph road and traffic was getting intensive with nearly 0 power left in the battery the hazard lights were about to fail any moment. :laughing:

Sounds unsafe to be transferring two pallets over!!

S’all good, as long as it doesn’t happen in their yard :laughing:

At the end of the day, we got the job done, no one got hurt, their driver got his OT or whatever the ■■■■ the whole ordeal was about, the van got recovered, they found a driver to replace me and cover the rest of my shifts for the week so I don’t have to go in tonight (or ever again :grimacing: ); I lost a couple hundred £ but got a couple of days of much needed rest in return and everybody’s happy. It was about time to get off my arse and go find a real job and not a “job”