Night shift definition


Grumpy Dad:
The opt out only lasts for 5 years, and must be retaken at regular intervals to maintain its legality, usually the majority opt out of the night working regulations, however any employee can opt to work under the night wtd at any time, they must give his / her employer 7 days notice in writing.

You’re right about the workforce agreements lasting a maximum of 5 years but not about any driver being able to opt out of the night time working time limit.

I believe any worker can opt out of the working time regulations 1998 (the general WTD) but mobile workers don’t work to the general WTD mobile workers work to the Road transport working time regulations 2005.

On the other hand if you know different feel free to post evidence that will prove us wrong :wink:

It’s an OPTION, the majority decision ( usually opt out ) is how the company work, and its taken for granted all drivers wish to work to this method, but it’s an individuals OPTION if he / she doesn’t want to work under the majority opt out, they can submit a written request to be removed from the opt out.
If a company has a big turnover of drivers, an opt out taken in 2016 may not be relevant to the drivers working for the company in 2019, the majority of whom may not wish to opt out but the company has a valid opt out agreement in place made by ex employees