Is this a joke? Job advert

Harry Monk:

2am start is not a night shift, it’s a [zb] day shift.

The only time I ever see 2 am is if I haven’t gone to sleep yet. :wink:

As for the money, it is what it is unfortunately. The eastern Europeans I know seem to prefer working at silly o’ clock so the premium for doing it has been eroded. I think it’s because they can normally catch 3-4 hours of shut-eye while being loaded/tipped so can get on with other stuff during the day.

East Europeans my arse,.we have clowns who start at stupid o clock for no extra cash, 1 2 am or 5 past midnight.
They even kip in their cabs in the yard on a Sunday afternoon to get away early Mon, when they could run at Sunday premium rate with a night out. :laughing: :laughing:
Drivers eh? :unamused: