Parking in Barcelona for 5 days

Groupage event equipment :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
It never ceases to amuse me how far companies will go to do the job for as cheap as possible, sounds like they know the cost of everything and the value of nothing!
Event work isn’t a cheap game, I hope it turned out to be a disaster for the penny pinching ba$!*&#s.

This job was exhibition work … without giving too much away, it was Wedding dresses for Bridal Exhibition. I’ve done these before … put garment rails up in the truck and have the dresses on hangers in proper garment bags … that’s why I said I wanted to be a “fly on the wall” when the stuff arrived. Obviously, as groupage the dresses would NOT be on hangers … would just like to have seen the state of the load ? :laughing: :laughing: