if there is a new vote I would not let any of those people who got new passports for other eu country,s have a vote, if eu was so good why did only 16 million vote for it, we have been in for 40 odd years must know what it is like

People rarely get excited about “more of the same”. Staying in what we knew to be a less than perfect system ain’t much of an inducment to vote.
Promises of a whole array of possible benefits were tempting.
Now we know the EU weren’t so keen to strike a deal as we were promised. Other countries are already striking the sorts of deals with the EU we once wanted. We now know some more of the true costs to us and our industries that were only reported as “project fear” in the past.

Will their be another vote soon?
Election or referendum??
I certainly don’t know. I also don’t know if any election would be good for the country. But it’s hard to imagine a likely situation much worse than we one we are currently in.
Civil unrest is possible it’s true, but I still reckon we aren’t quite that far gone… yet… fingers crossed.

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