CPC Howlers (again)


CPC training today. Trainer has already told us in all seriousness that DVSA will fine £x per turn of the landing legs handle, and now states quite emphatically that our digicards hold 28 days worth of data, with day 1 data being overwritten and no longer visible as soon as the card is inserted on day 29…

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Please name and shame? Then I can be sure not the give the idiot a job when he comes looking…

I had a room full the other day where the previous trainer had told them that before removing their card from the tacho unit they should put it on break. Not sure where to start with that one unless i just wait for all the infringements to turn up…

Could that be true? I haven’t driven for over 5 years but I’m sure I used to drive one on agency that if you didn’t put it on break I think it showed you working when you put your card in