

Retired Old ■■■■:
I had rather a weird job for a couple of weeks back in the 1980s: Cadbury’s at Marlbrook used to -probably still do- have their imported sugar delivered in ISO containers from Bell Lines at Newport. After tipping the “boxes” there would still be about a tonne of product left in the container which wouldn’t flow out due to the design of the system. Of course, being foodstuff, it couldn’t be shifted by the usual method of sending a chap inside with a shovel!
I was tasked with he job of taking these “bits” of loads from Newport to Marlbrook. Bell Lines had a gantry which I parked my powder tank underneath, Their straddle-carrier would then mount one of the “almost empty” containers on the gantry, which was then tipped by hydraulic ram while a couple of their chaps perched on top heaving the polythene liner out from the box as it went up. Health & Safety? Do me a favour!
This process was repeated throughout the day until about 4.00pm when I was dispatched to tip at Marlbrook the next morning, then return to Newport to start all over again.
As I recall, I was on this job for about a week. Presumably someone else got the job after that.

By the way, Dean, thanks for the 88- I’ve almost stopped shaking now!

Hi ,Roger Marshall from Newport ,did a lot out of Bellport ,he would deliver suger to a factory up in Merthyr they made chocolate products,with his Crusaders ,awesome machines . G D J Price from Nash Newport hauled sugar up to the breweries in Burton on trent , DEAN any more from Roger Marshall ? MT

Hi MT,
The chocolate factory in Merthyr would be been OP Chocolates :smiley:

Regards Mark

DEAN …always good feed back regarding S Wales …Bell line hauliers …like the Glyn Phillips Newport F10 a couple of pages back …had forgotten him ! …yes Marktaff OP chocolates …the factory had blue tanks …didnt they make chockie brazils …yum yum !! …lol …Geraint