Ageing drivers and driver shortage

Years ago, one used to have this thing called “Tuition” where a younger rookie driver would go out as a mate with a senior driver who was say, up for retirement in about 18 months time…

A number of “understudies” would then be in place, so that when Old Fred went to the Sunny Eastbourne in the Sky - there would be a whole handful of fresh drivers able to step in, and do his even remotely specialized job…

I notice that THESE days, there isn’t the will of employers there to “train people up” like they want AND pay them decent pay at the end of it.

All this bother and worry about “We don’t wanna train drivers up, so they’ll just go and work for a rival once trained” - could be solved by the same firm that provides decent training & experience (Eg. Swains) can keep their staff after being trained there - by paying the full going rates, so that there simply is NOT “another yard paying more locally to move to”…

If you settle for less all the time - then “Less” is all that will ever be offered to you. :bulb: