NHS, don't ever complain

I guessed that would be your answer.Because ‘the middle bit’ contains the inconvenient fact that I’m talking about all too real facts.

Not even close. Youre not talking about facts. You just think you are. It was this bit -

All that to save the cash so that the luckier smug complacent I’m all right jacks like your family, taking advantage of typical Socialist everyone is equal but some are more equal than others ideology

My family are working class so therefor not “more equal than others” which makes your whole comment, like I said, ■■■■■■■■. As always you know ■■■■ all but think you are an expert.
Now jog on and haunt someone else

BTW, I must have missed the answer to these -

Remind me again why, since you think the NHS is just paffing you off till you die, you still use them and dont get the private healthcare you seem convinced is the only way forward? Remind me why you still use a service you say is definitely just giving a cocktail of drugs and will force a DNR on you for any reason it wants without consulting you first?

Incidently, im curious. What on earth makes you think an insurance company spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on someones care wont go down the exact route you seem convinced the NHS does? What makes you so sure theyll pay more expensive treastment rather than using a loophole to only fund the cheapest route (if they decide to fund any at all)? Because thats what they do. What makes you think itll be different if it happens over here?