Passing with oncoming traffic

i was told by my instructor ( mind you this is 1977) that in a situation like this always allow space for a car door to open , so rule of thumb would be if you can pass the parked cars plus allowing extra room for an open door go for it, if you’re having to leave a ■■■ papers width to go by , dont. what you do after the test is up to you . i’m usually trying to get out of my car whilst staring at a super single about 6 inches away.

Had an assessment for the job I’m in now (7.5t), driving a 3.5 van (yeah yeah, stfu :smiley:) Driving in central London and I stopped at a squeeze point because I could see it would be, well, a squeeze, to get through against the oncoming traffic.
Marked down for that.
I know it wasn’t a driving test per se but a car door opening seems a tad …much? What’s that, just less than a metre? Give em 2 feet :slight_smile: