European work from Central Scotland


Like you would have the slightest idea of thebold ways.

Been driving for over 25 years, some of that for a small OD whose response to the cab heater not working was to just spend all winter driving with the night heater on. When I was young and ignorant I used to do some of the crap that dieseldog seems to think is the bees knees too but then I grew up, woke up and realised the only person who benefitted was the person who owned the truck, it most certainly wasn’t me. I guess you’re one of the “too thick to work it out” brigade.

is that why you now frown upon the cowboys as when you tried to be one yourself,you were working for peanuts?
most of the hooligans i know make great wages though realistically its the ones that prefer to work rather than lie in their beds for 11 hours that are capable of it.
best sticking to what your good at my man,even if all that would be is an agency night trunk… :smiley: