Aldi delivery bays

Aldi are not the only ones, Tesco have stores with LHD unloading banks, IIRC Whitstable has one. One of the reasons Waitrose are so fussy about drivers is that quite a few of their stores are challenging to say the least.

Countrywide many of the RDCs -and notably some of the newer ones - could have been so much better if only the architects had not relied so much on computer program modelling of HGV swept paths. Fine in theory, according to geometry the vehicle will go round the corner, but that takes no account of human ability nor of any variation from the ‘standard vehicle’ used in the calculations. The stupid thing is that councils and Highways England rely on the same computer programs for road layout. I have seen the plans for the proposed addition of a left turn filter lane locally, from one look on site it is clear that most artics will be starting the manoeuvre from the same place they do currently, except if the junction is constructed then there will be a car or cyclist trapped in the filter lane.