Lorry or Truck

In the US the common term for an ‘artic’ is truck or tractor trailer but another well used term is 18 wheeler as they count every tire (tyre) except when a 3 axle tractor is pulling a 3 axle trailer it would technically be a 22 wheeler but would usually still be called an 18 wheeler as most tractor trailers are 18 wheelers.

A rigid truck (lorry) is called a straight truck (lorry) but can also be known by how many tires (tyres) it has i.e a straight (rigid) truck (lorry) with 1 steer axle and 2 drive axles as a 10 wheeler because it has 10 tires (tyres). I know there’s a difference between a tipper and a dump truck but over here their all called dump trucks.

I’s funny how truck is infiltrating the language in the UK but lorry is never uttered over here. Well, sometimes by me when i want to confuse my fellow TRUCKers. :wink: :wink:

I’m off to look for my tongue, oh there it is, in my cheek. :blush: