Standards & Hot heads

This is probably going to be a controversial post so apologies in advance.

For many years I’ve been wanting to make the move into the industry, however a few issues and stereotypes have always dissuaded me from doing so.
I’m currently in what’s seen as a ‘good career’ and comes with a decent ‘status symbol’ in society- example being when I tell people what I do they look at me with intrigue and think I’ve done well in life. In fact the role is nothing like the positive stereotypical view joe public thinks and I would much rather have been a Professional Driver, I know I’m not the only one!

So I come to what dissuades me most from taking the step into the industry, that being the current low society ‘status’ of a Hgv Driver role.
Why is it that the industry has given its Drivers this reputation, as if they are bottom rung of the ladder? and why do Drivers seem to accept it? I’ve talked to a few that give the impression of taking very little pride in their work and go along with whatever. I would add it does seem to be an issue only in the UK.
Ill start by saying most drivers (apart from a few exceptions which ill come to later) I’ve talked to and worked with have been far more educated and astute to the ways of the world than the average person, they usually have many interests that range far beyond that of the role of a Driver.
Secondly a Driver role is one that requires major responsibility- driving a complex, heavy, large and potentially deadly machine should demand respect and further more it takes allot of commitment and study to gain and keep the license.
So why is it Truck Drivers are not comparable to Train Drivers or Pilots?

Surely It must be a result of how the industry treats its own Drivers?
It does seem company’s have an agenda of belittling the role so to pay the least amount of money to achieve the highest profits?, In turn this is having an adverse effect on the industry by not enticing new staff into the role, resulting in companies recruiting anyone who will take minimum wage! This is having an overall affect of causing standards to drop way below what they should be.
I’ve had a few job offers that blatantly worked out to below minimum wage! I mean why do this? It only serves to degrade your own business and industry in the long run.

On that note I come to the subject of hot heads! These Drivers do seem to be the exception but are the result of what’s mentioned above. They come into the industry because they’re willing to work for minimum wage and have little else to do. I’ve come across people who don’t even enjoy driving cars!
And so with these people the standards fall, society’s view of the role turns negative and the vicious circle for the profession continues, with ever decreasing wages and the shortage of new good standard Drivers.

Be interesting to know everyone’s thoughts, maybe I’m completely wrong and it’s just a wrong impression I’ve picked up…

You should be more worried about the low pay and long hours than how people perceive you.
I dont take rudeness or disrespectful attitudes from anyone but it is endemic in this industry. People seem afraid to stand up for themselves.

Sorry but as you wrote

“I’m currently in what’s seen as a ‘good career’ and comes with a decent ‘status symbol’ in society”

It sounds like you care too much about other people’s perception of you and your job far too much. And care about your job being some sort of status symbol.

I’d say being a truck driver really isn’t for you, too many people do it because it’s a job that can pay pretty well with very little experience and training. Many do it because they love driving etc. Different things make different people tick.

There is far too much stereotyping that goes on in life, everyone should be their own person, do what makes them happy and be the person they want to be.

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Do what ever you want because YOU want to do it.
Who cares what anyone else thinks, that’s just shallow

Bet your a Copper, know half a dozen who have jacked in the job and gone driving. Your best waiting until your pension if you do.

If someone said to me they were a copper I’d never think any of this:

I’m currently in what’s seen as a ‘good career’ and comes with a decent ‘status symbol’ in society- example being when I tell people what I do they look at me with intrigue and think I’ve done well in life.

This industry like so many others is now managed on the idea that one size fits all, where everyone is assumed to be as big an idiot as the worse employee on the company, instead of training up and encouraging the best, too many train down.

Not in any way comparable to pilots, who have years of training.
The train drivers have done well for themselves because they stuck together and have had proper union leadership, which they in turn supported, too many lorry drivers are not in a union and are actively anti union, hence why the terms and conditions in so much of the industry are ■■■■ poor.

Pride in the job has taken a dive, in any yard you visit only a minority will take any sort of pride in their work, the attitudes of the rest vary and the results can be seen every day out on the road, and in the condition of the vehicles being driven.
Sadly it seems to be the case that those who don’t give a tuppenies are more likely to influence new drivers in a yard, than those who do take pride, this is exacerbated by ■■■■ poor management who don’t reward good drivers but instead tend to load them up with more work (for the same pay), and those who ■■■■ about get an easier ride cos the planner/managers don’t want to manage proper like the dead wood and sick notes.

This is probably going to be a controversial post so apologies in advance.

For many years I’ve been wanting to make the move into the industry, however a few issues and stereotypes have always dissuaded me from doing so.
I’m currently in what’s seen as a ‘good career’ and comes with a decent ‘status symbol’ in society- example being when I tell people what I do they look at me with intrigue and think I’ve done well in life. In fact the role is nothing like the positive stereotypical view joe public thinks and I would much rather have been a Professional Driver, I know I’m not the only one!

So I come to what dissuades me most from taking the step into the industry, that being the current low society ‘status’ of a Hgv Driver role.

I find it so sad that people are worried about what others might think of them, especially because of the job they do, but if status is what floats your boat then forget this job. Well there are some that has the general public impressed about what you do, but its not taking a load of beans to an RDC.

Why is it that the industry has given its Drivers this reputation, as if they are bottom rung of the ladder? and why do Drivers seem to accept it? I’ve talked to a few that give the impression of taking very little pride in their work and go along with whatever. I would add it does seem to be an issue only in the UK.
Ill start by saying most drivers (apart from a few exceptions which ill come to later) I’ve talked to and worked with have been far more educated and astute to the ways of the world than the average person, they usually have many interests that range far beyond that of the role of a Driver.

In the UK a truck driver has been seen as a manual workers job, with all the connotations that holds in a class ridden society, (although actually the proper “old money upper class” people I’ve met are actually the least worried about theirs or your supposed status) Although when I was growing up, the International driver, especially those that did the Middle East runs were looked upon differently, maybe because people didn’t go abroad and also they were well paid compared to many other workers, round my part only offshore workers seemed to get more.

Secondly a Driver role is one that requires major responsibility- driving a complex, heavy, large and potentially deadly machine should demand respect and further more it takes allot of commitment and study to gain and keep the license.
So why is it Truck Drivers are not comparable to Train Drivers or Pilots?

You can qualify as an HGV driver in a week or 2, without any real entry qualifications, Train Drivers and Pilots take much longer, I’m sure the railways have a pick of the candidates, so could ask for at least a reasonable standard of education and commercial pilots will also need to do a lot of study to gain a licence, so would need a reasonable standard of education.
Although I’m sure the average passenger doesn’t think much of Train Drivers, when they gone on strike, but it’s their Union power that has kept them ahead of other traditional jobs in the pay stakes, which makes the job desirable and means the railways get to pick their candidates, as opposed to the haulage industry who’ll take anybody who has a licence and can actually manage to face the right way in the cab, some probably aren’t even to worried about that.

Surely It must be a result of how the industry treats its own Drivers?
It does seem company’s have an agenda of belittling the role so to pay the least amount of money to achieve the highest profits?, In turn this is having an adverse effect on the industry by not enticing new staff into the role, resulting in companies recruiting anyone who will take minimum wage! This is having an overall affect of causing standards to drop way below what they should be.
I’ve had a few job offers that blatantly worked out to below minimum wage! I mean why do this? It only serves to degrade your own business and industry in the long run.

The industry have had a surplus of drivers and a surplus of trucks for the work available, (too easy to get a licence, too easy to start a haulage company) this means rates are pushed down as transport companies chase the work, the easiest way of pushing the costs down is drivers T&C’s.
After years of doing this and relying on various sources of plentiful labour, due to recessions, so taking advantage of workers spending their redundancy money on a licence after being made unemployed from other industries and labour coming from other countries, the industry is getting now getting worried as their average driver is heading towards retirement, unemployment is low and foreign workers are finding work more desirable in other countries.
Despite potential problems of drivers leaving, many in the industry are unwilling or unable (because margins are so tight) to improve the T&C’s to try and recruit and retain drivers, but I have little sympathy for them, the good companies will have drivers, the bottom feeders will find it increasingly difficult and get what they deserve, in crap drivers, damaged trucks, damaged loads etc.

On that note I come to the subject of hot heads! These Drivers do seem to be the exception but are the result of what’s mentioned above. They come into the industry because they’re willing to work for minimum wage and have little else to do. I’ve come across people who don’t even enjoy driving cars!
And so with these people the standards fall, society’s view of the role turns negative and the vicious circle for the profession continues, with ever decreasing wages and the shortage of new good standard Drivers.

It’s an easy job to get into, so people who don’t really have some deep desire to do the job fall into it, some get training course merely to get them off the dole, or because it looked like a good way to get out of another dead end job or because it looked the easiest and quickest way to get back into work after being made redundant.

Be interesting to know everyone’s thoughts, maybe I’m completely wrong and it’s just a wrong impression I’ve picked up.

The loudmouth driver fitting the stereotype and driving like a [ZB] is more obvious to the public, most members of the public probably never really noticed the quiet, contentious driver that has just made adjustments to their speed or course to avoid an issue or just keep the road running smoothly and if you want public adulation don’t be a truck driver, even a good one, but at least you’ll have the quiet knowledge that you’ve spotted problem and dealt with it.

There are many crap jobs in the industry, but there are good one, where you get treated ok and pay is better than average, but you have to make some effort to find them, those employers don’t have to come and find you.


Surely It must be a result of how the industry treats its own Drivers?
It does seem company’s have an agenda of belittling the role so to pay the least amount of money to achieve the highest profits?, In turn this is having an adverse effect on the industry by not enticing new staff into the role, resulting in companies recruiting anyone who will take minimum wage! This is having an overall affect of causing standards to drop way below what they should be.
I’ve had a few job offers that blatantly worked out to below minimum wage! I mean why do this? It only serves to degrade your own business and industry in the long run.

The industry have had a surplus of drivers and a surplus of trucks for the work available, (too easy to get a licence, too easy to start a haulage company) this means rates are pushed down as transport companies chase the work, the easiest way of pushing the costs down is drivers T&C’s.

I was going to make that point, but muckles made it for me (along with some excellent points generally).

You don’t generally get owner pilots and owner train drivers. If you want to set up an airline or a railway franchise, you better have a lot of money behind you. Want to get your own truck, well you can start up for surprisingly little on some of the schemes set up by the likes of Maritime with your new shiny license that you didn’t have a month ago. It’s all about barriers to entry and there are few in general haulage.

Not too sure what “aircraft tech” is, but if someone said that to me I’d be thinking anything from refuller, person who drives the tug, aircraft cleaner, to person who plugs a computer into the cockpit to figure out what Error Code 6215 means and why the 747 won’t start. They are all the jobs which the public don’t know about and don’t really care about since they only really see the cabin crew. Only they really have a status symbol job.

Some people might not “like” us drivers too much, but thats probably because we “get in their way” since apparently they own the road and have a much more important place to be such as the gym whereas that stinking lorry is only going to Sainsburys or the local sofa factory for example. These people don’t make the connection between what the stinking lorry does and their daily lives. You learn to ignore it pretty quick.

As for this is only a problem in the UK, erm, you might find in a lot of countries people think the same thing. For example in the US, drivers are often seen as low-lifes who never wash, have out of control beards and basically look like a cross between ZZ-Top and a hobo. They’ve got the huge advantage of wider roads, but even poorer car driving standards.

Why are we not seen the same as pilots or train drivers? On pilots, I believe to be a commercial pilot it costs at least £100,000 to train just to be in the cockpit, then there’s more constant training & testing, plus if you want to change aircraft even within the same brand you’ve got to do more training. Imagine having to do a new HGV test for a Scania, an Iveco, A DAF etc.

Train drivers got in there early with the status symbol probably because most jobs were hard manual graft and that was a very select job. Again it costs a lot to train someone to drive a train, plus there’s more training on each line and intermittent tests from what I understand. They were also all working for the same company for many years while the unions were powerful and until people got cars en-mass, they could pretty much hold the monopoly for long distance transport.

HGV drivers on the other hand, well, they didn’t even originally need to pass a test as long as they had a car licence! Even when you do, it’s all self funded so it can attract anyone and sometimes it attracts people who are complete a-holes. Of course any job can have them and often does, but generally they aren’t as widely seen as HGV drivers. Even “white van man” is slightly less obvious.

You do this job because you want to get a decent wage (yeah could be argued, but still £10 - 15 / hour fulltime isn’t bad) and you can put up with the crap. There are nice bosses like Albion and horrible ones, but same in any industry, although few are as nice to their workforce and have a cult following like Albion admittedly. :smiley:

Cheque’s in the post, Trev :laughing: