Any old promotor drivers around

Edward Mansell-Thomas on your right Sandway. He worked for Saftcrest out of Northiam, Sussex, and they had a container parked in Baghdad that was painted in the Union Jack colours. They sold sports equipment.

I delivered their container back to Northiam. He and his wife were really great company and we went all over the place together as they had a house in Baghdad. It was on their stand that I was interviewed by English language Radio Baghdad which was famous amongst the ex-pats because the fellow hosting had such bad English. They were interviewing Edward - whilst I was suppressing laughter - when he suddenly swung around and put the microphone in front of me… he said “so Mister, what you like in Iraq?”… My mind raced through all the “things” - the “nice things” about Iraq and replied, after a long silence “Errr, you have very good weather here…”. Talk about feeling dim.

I met up with Andy McLean (jazzandy) recently at MickTwemlow’s funeral.

I had a few beers with Gavin too and he told me about turning his car over whilst trying to impress an Irish Nurse from the Park Hospital. She wasn’t impressed.