Any old promotor drivers around

I did say “at least 2 regular subbies”! Mick Martin could possibly have been around in 75 but I didn,t bump into him until later whereas Roy and John McFall crossed my path more often. I think Geoff Gardner came to us as a regular driver first and then went O/D. I remember doing a Yugo one winter with him and getting stuck in heavy snow just outside Zagreb. I also remember being with him at the National on another trip when he was pulling for us and had suffered a failed trailer wheel bearing about 40ks back up the road towards Zagreb. Another Middle-east O/D overheard our conversation and not only came up with a spare bearing but also came back to geoffs trailer and helped us get it sorted. I said that I would make sure that he got paid for all his efforts and duly sent a telex of his details back to Stagg. As time went on I assumed that Stagg had taken care of it but about 3 months later I bumped into that O/D again who said that he never got paid and that if he saw one of Promotors broken down again he would drive right on by. All the bloke did was spend time on helping us out. Just another example of Staggs attitude towards drivers. I suspect that the incident never got as far as Peter because I,m sure he would have responded differently. Back then it was always necessary sometimes to do what you could to keep the wheels turning and the commeraderie between different companys’ drivers could generally be relied upon in times of problems. I know Stagg can,t be here to speak for himself but I thought it a poor show when he didn,t even send him the money for the bearing he gave us. Geoff Gardner now lives in the States and occasionally we exchange greetings so next time I,ll ask him about his Promotor history and maybe get him to join us on here.