Well the greenies sure put the boot in to log trucking in Oregon… Just a shadow of it’s former self…Most nights in the state of Oregon there are only 8 police officers on duty for the whole state… That’s all the budget can afford…
Early 2000’ands when it all went "pear shaped " a bunch of loggers put all their machinery. ( Dozers, Forwarders, Snorkels, etc ) on low loaders and hauled them south for a big auction … even while on their last journey the tree huggers attacked the convoy… At auction the stuff went so cheap that it didn’t even cover the transportation cost for the trip… Over the next few months most of the rest of the gear was drained of all fluid, put on a barge and the whole lot was taken out to sea and sunk…

In Tasmania there was a blight of tree huggers around the same … Usually young, impressionable, misinformed, easily manipulated folk from interstate… Did I mention they were all very smelly and unwashed…recruited by nefarious means… They set up various camps in logging coupes and instantly got news coverage… They caused a lot of disruption… spread miss information…and did a lot of damage…
Usually misinformed, most of the time they set up camp in new growth plantation forests… a long way from the hard to get to old growth trees…They even attacked one of the local Bush Fire stations which was staffed by volunteers, set up to protect the surrounding bush, but also the remote houses and properties of local people that chose to live in the community…

They love the trees and the forests… so much so that in the summer time when the forests are at there greatest threat ( Forest fires ) which can be hundreds of square miles at a time, they all bugger of back to the the main land and let the "Evil forest workers " try to save what’s left with the machinery which has to be repaired after it’s all been trashed by the tree huggers…
In the end all they achieved was to remove the right to protest about anything by any one in Tasmania…

Bed time now…
