Blocking London for brexit

I think there is a whole lot or over thinking going on here…
Blocking London is just going to get the backs up of the very people youre trying to save.
I was around for the fuel strikes in the early 2000’s. At first people were on board with it as its fundamental basis was on everyones agenda at the time. Getting shafted by the ruling classes. And everyone hates that, until their own cant get to the hospital or whatever gets in the way of their own exsistance, then the sheep start bleating.
You really want to make a difference??
Just dont go to work tommorow.
Your tax contribution, along with everyone elses who feel the same way. The withdrawl of which would bring down the Government faster than Guy Folkes could ever have hoped for.
But you, personally, have morgage payments,car payments, big ■■■ flat screen TV payments or whatever your own personal slavery hooks you bought into that “makes” you go to work.
If I dont go to work tommorow, aint nobody coming for my house, no flat nose mouth breather trying to take my car and my telly will still be screwed to my wall.
If you got into INDENTURED slavery, then thats your own f***ing fault and no amount of blockading the capital and just generally ■■■■■■■ off the masses is going to change the situation of your own making.
Always remember, the GAME IS RIGGED. The only way out is to get out of the game.
And steering a lorry is going to keep you in the game FOR EVER.