That was very remiss of me Steve. I honestly didn’t see the copyright lettering or symbol on the photo even though its so obvious. I’m glad it was one of your photos though. Talking of photos being used or shown by others, for me it isn’t a problem. I have said before on here that I’m happy for my photos to be spread around but we all value our possessions differently. Since the photo of Promotors D Series in Tehran cropped up again, I know it was first shown on here ten years ago, I have been on many other websites looking for further evidence of that lorry. I have been on Danish, Dutch, Italian, German and other UK sites and what really surprised me was the times the same photos would crop up time after time. One photo that I have seen on most sites is the one I have attached here of a Promotor lorry off the road. Another one is the George Fardell Volvo F10 that also seems very popular that I have mentioned recently on the Promotor thread.

Promotor 578.jpg