

Named after Dow receptionist Sandra according to mushroomman.

That’s a shame,“Sandra” has her Union Jack stuck on upside down!!!


It looks O.K. from here David. :wink:

Shouldn’t the thick white stripe on the Union ‘Flag’ (it’s not a Jack) be on the top, next to the flag staff, in this case the door post. :confused:
Where is our Akela when you need her. :slight_smile:

If I remember correctly you could buy those stick on Union flags in Dover docks where they had a Les Routiers truck shop near The Dolphin Bar in the passenger terminal, in the 70’s/ early 80’s.
Those flags would quite often disappear in The Commie Block along with the G.B. stickers off the back of the trailer so it was always useful to grab a handful of free Townsend Thorensen G.B. stickers whenever you were shipping out.

Thinking about Sandra (the receptionist) I am fairly certain that her husband (I think that he was called Brian) worked upstairs in the office for Dow Air Freight Services and her father (I think that he might of been called Ted) used to drive a four wheeler doing a bit of U.K. work.
Sandra left about a year after I had started to have a baby and was replaced by a girl called Jackie.

Sandra (the truck) next to the Black Sea near Sinop in Turkey, along with a couple of the Turkish army escorts.


Regards Steve.

Hi Steve,

The thick white line should be on the top of the red line at top left quarter,the thin white line underneath the same red line,it’s me being pickie,I have always checked the Union flag(correct!) whenever I see one,sad isn’t it!
