Brexit, genuine question

the nodding donkey:
I know, I know, but hear me out.

First off, this is not a remainer rant. I’m in two minds about Brexit, part of me has as much distrust and dislike of the corrupt superstate that the European commission is creating as the next man, but I can see the benefits of Europe too. I’m not a full on remainer, but I think we are throwing the baby away with the bath water. Anyway…

As you’ll be aware, I’m one of those Europeans who have lived in Britain for most of my life now, and I consider this island to be my home. I have lived here, worked here, got married and divorced here , bought and sold houses, i plan to retire here, you get the drift. There are many like me.
On the other hand, there are many Brits, who live and work abroad, countries like America, Canada, Australia, south East Asia, etc.
As you may or may not be aware, Foreign nationals in the UK (who, and their families, are directly affected by this) were not allowed to vote, whilst British nationals living abroad did, (unless they lived abroad more than 15 years).

What I have wondered about, with the very small margin that swung the result, how much influence the vote of those having moved away to the other side of the world, has had on the result. Should matters in this country be decided by those living and working (and paying taxes…) here, or by those who have not, and probably won’t again, live here and are not affected by their choice?

Sudeten Germans lived in Czechoslovakia,worked in Czechoslovakia and paid taxes in Czechoslovakia.Did they have more right to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia than those ex pat Czechs who’d left the country to fight against German rule over their country ?.On that note why do you think that foreign nationals choosing to live here should have more right to decide the future of the country than ex pat Brits regardless of how long they’ve left the country and even if they don’t intend to ever return.Especially when it’s clear that your idea of its future is very similar to the ideals of those Sudeten Germans living in Czechoslovakia in that your allegiance is to the EU Federation just as theirs’ was to the 3rd Reich not Czechoslovakia.