Any old promotor drivers around

Thanks for the reply Tony. Can you tell us what type of lorry KKP was. Rigid, artic, box or car transporter? I’m fairly sure Steve Lacy wasn’t working for Pro’s in 74/75 and I didn’t think he went further east than Nis. Were there any D Series artics still operating when you joined?

Must have been interesting visiting the National again. Were there any telex’s offering return loads still pinned to the board opposite reception and did any of the George’s remember you. I have attached a photo of a Jan de Lely lorry. Would Bump into one of theirs in the most obscure of places in Yugo. I remember on one occasion being weekended at the Zagreb Hotel with one of their drivers. It may have been the same trip I was there with the two Dow guys and Mr Long from Astran. We were all pretty bored by Saturday afternoon and somebody suggested we went to the cinema in town as ‘The Deer Hunter’ was being shown. Five of us piled into one lorry and off we went. We found the cinema bought our tickets and went in. The place was packed and the film had just started. We were then shown to our seats, the only ones available by that time. They were in the very first row, almost touching the screen. Do you remember in the film where the American guy was in the cage in the water. Well from where we were sitting it felt like you were in the cage with him. I have never had such an uncomfortable experience in a cinema before. Give me the back row anytime!